Would it be helpful to have a professional therapist review your completed service dog applications, mental health records, and auxiliary documentation? We can provide unofficial surface-level diagnosis, differential diagnosis, list of concerns, and insights supporting your client training process.
There may be an advantage to having an external mental health professional available for consulting…one clinician to another. After a service dog is placed and the support team is struggling to bond, work, or engage in partnership, have us facilitate those connections.
Attending the programming of a service dog agency and evaluating the effectiveness of the staff, clients, and dogs. This includes evaluation of the dog/client partnerships that are being made. A full written analysis will be provided with suggested changes, edits, or alterations that are clinically supported.
Do you want your staff to know more about the human condition and the Veteran First Responder condition? What to say, when to say it, and more importantly, when to reach out for additional help. Trainings include but are not limited to:
· PTSD Diagnosis
· PTSD Treatment
· Dogs – a medication with no side effects
· Bias Trainings
· Unconditional Positive Regard
· Motivational Interviewing
· Suicide Talks
· Discussing Anxiety and Mindfulness
Peer support programs
First Responder Agency training
If your program releases a good K9 that just doesn’t make the cut, could the dog qualify as an Emotional Support Animal (ESA)? If so, best practices require that the client be under the ongoing care of a licensed professional. This can be accomplished through tele-health. After an initial evaluation with the individual, E5 Therapy will make a recommendation about qualifying for an ESA. If qualified, E5 Therapy will write a letter of support (aka: prescription for the dog) and provide the terms keeping that documentation valid. Terms are based on the professional evaluation of the therapist and could be as frequent as weekly sessions or as infrequent as every six months.
Are you concerned about a Veteran in your program? For those interested in self-improvement or working on a personal issue, therapy can open the door to a new world of possibilities. E5 Therapy offers a unique approach to helping people get where they want to be. We incorporate a professionally trained dog as a co-therapist to help our clients feel safe, secure, and do the work they need to do. We also work with pet dogs or emotional support animals to enhance the work for our clients. This allows clients to experience therapy in their homes with their pets.